Attorney Carol D. Powell Lexing Lawyer for George Floyd's Family

Dear Lagniappe Family and Friends,

In case you missed the show today - or had a hard time checking it out you have the opportunity to check out both the audio (click map) and video portion of the interview below.

We'd like to thank Carol for her patience and for taking time out to share her experiences in both the handeling of the Floyd family case and the current state of policing in America.


Rebirth Brass Band - Roll With It (Intro)
Chrisitian Scott Atunde Adjuah - K.K.P.D
The Soul Rebels ft. Passport P., Juilan Gosin & Sean Carey 
- Real Life
P.J. Morton ft. Angela Rye - M.A.G.A
Trombone Shorty - Hurricane Season
Aretha Franklin - A Change is Gonna Come
Rebirth Brass Band - Roll With It (Outro)

nb: If any of you are thinking about using zoom for recorded interviews...don't. You'll thank me later!


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