Kanak Vote For Independence

 Dear Lagniappe Family and Friends

This entire week at Canal Sud has been dedicaded to highlighting the importance of the Kanak vote for independence on October 6th 2020

As we know all over the world people from every single nation have been crying out for their freedoms, basic rights and needs to be met. Many of these voices go unheard until election time. 

In 2018 the voice of the people went unheard in New Caledonia and now there is a new referendum for independence ahead. This is a critcal moment for the people of New Caledonia especially for the Kanak people. Of course this sounds eerily familiar when speaking about the rights and freedoms of people of color in the United States and our upcoming election in November.

Tune in this week for an encore presentation of Lagniappe where we covered the importance of the Mid-term elections in the US in 2018. Every voice counted and will continue to count.

If you'd like to have more information about the referendum see below.

source: aljazzera.com - Theo Rouby/AFP


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