On our way back from the lockdown 2.0

Dear Lagniappe Family and Friends,

We don't even know where to start. Did that sound familiar?

The news cycle has been moving so quickly that there was no way we could get everything down. 

As you know, we are interested in an array of subjects on various continents. We thought that it would be best to break everything up into chuncks of information - and review them in the context of before and after.

We'll start from France's 2nd lockdown at the end of October 2020 and try to cover the month of November without spilling too much coffee, tea or even beans when discussing the before of the events that took place! We'll see how it goes.

So stay tuned next week while we continue to get ourselves together to bring you our kinda news edition entitled la connerie de la merde or something to that effect. 

All of this will be going down in either French or English depending upon the audience that could've, would've and should've, known better than finding themselves in that stuation. Then we'll move on to the holiday stuff!

Check us out: 10 December 2020 - Canal Sud 92.2 - 16H00 GMT+1


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