Look For Me

Dear Lagniappe Family and Friends,

There are a few things that irritate me - one is double work, unless getting paid, by a gov't agency, then it just becomes a game - the other is mislaying things. This last one is the most irritating of all because I can see my stuff, yes, I can see my stuff. It has my energy all over it so, can see it. If it's dark, it may be inside of something - if I keep lifting things up to see if its underneath it is under something, if I see whatever I may have misplaced on someone else's face, then it may mean someone has my misplaced item.

So in light of a missing or mislaid pair of sunglasses, we can find ourselves and connect with one another on Lagniappe at Canal Sud LIVE this Thursday July 28th from 16H00-17H00 CET. The cengdems* may be gone, but at least we'll be together 💕Erica

BTW for those wondering - whenever my maternal grandmother misplaced something she'd say that whatever she was looking for was saying "look for me."

*shades (now guess where this word is used 😏)


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